Tuesday, February 06, 2007

moving along

I gave my first seminar talk in several months last Friday. It was on work contained in a preprint which isn’t my own, but which is closely related to some of my work, and which I could enlighten relatively well for the seminar attendees. Both Dr. Hubbard and Pascal, who organizes the seminar, seemed quite pleased with the exposition.

I’ve been spending most of my time lately working, not going out much. I’ve started tutoring three daughters of an Egyptian family in math and English. This week, a number of Cornell folk are in town for a conference at the CIRM in Luminy, which is where Dr. Hubbard’s birthday celebration was held in summer 2005 (our first time to come here). Melanie (co-creator of Abstractionary) came early to visit over the weekend, which was nice. Unfortunately, I’ve managed to get sick (from all this excitement? not sure) and am trying to both heal myself and get more work done. Next week CIRM hosts a conference on outer space (not what you think) and Teichmüller theory, which will bring lots of interesting people to talk with.

I have ideas for a couple more long essays, hopefully to come along soon. Hope y’all are well.

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